Why I love 3D Printing
October 08, 2021
I have a Prusa MK3S and play with it since about two or three years. At the beginning I just printed random stuff from Thingiverse which I did not really needed but It was fun, so I did it.
I printed a lot of things which would be much cheaper if I had just bought it. Then my mother came to me and showed me her broken cake tin. The tin itself was fine but some small part to lock it was broken and with this broken part it was no longer usable. She asked If i could print that part and I told here that I never designed a own part myself but I will try it out.
I tried SketchUp Web and I despaired. Luckily for me a colleague of mine was already familiar with the tool and showed me how it basically works. After a few hours I had it, my first own designed 3D printed model. I uploaded it to my printer and printed it and after half an hour I had it in my hands and it just worked. The cake tin was repaired and my mother was happy.
Since then I replaced a lot of parts that were broken and it doesn’t take that long to finish the models. Nowadays I’m using AutoDesk Fusion 360 (if you try to print circles with a SketchUp Web model, you know why).
I really like the concept of fixing old things with printed spare parts. It makes no sense to throw something away because a little part of it is broken and that’s the reason why I love 3D printing.